Bat Yam: A City Drowning in Garbage – Tzvika Brot's Great Failure

While Bat Yam residents pay exorbitant property taxes and the municipality transfers millions to cleaning contractors, the city is drowning in a sea of garbage
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Mountains of trash, flying plastic bags, and waste piles cover the streets, forcing residents to cope with an unbearable reality. While the enforcement department turns a blind eye, the pressing questions remain: Where is the money? Where is the cleanliness? And where is Tzvika Brot?

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An "Maakav" expose reveals: A silent spokesperson's department, a vanished cleaning contractor, and a mayor who ignores the situation.

As Bat Yam residents pay excessive property taxes, the city drowns in garbage. Mountains of waste, plastic bags, and trash piles adorn city streets, forcing residents to live in an unbearable reality. But where is Mayor Tzvika Brot?

A City in Crisis
During our tour throughout the city, a grim picture emerged: garbage piles in every corner, stained sidewalks, and a foul smell engulfing the streets. City residents, who pay approximately 1,000 NIS in property tax for a two-room apartment (and even more for larger apartments), find themselves living in what appears to be a giant garbage bin.


It seems that Bat Yam operates with a phantom contractor. The municipal supervision system functions dubiously, as Mayor Tzvika Brot, together with coalition members, approve the monthly transfer of millions of shekels to a contractor who won the tender. The contractor neglects their cleaning duties, while supervision from the Bat Yam municipality is completely absent. Suspicion arises that Mr. Brot and his colleagues choose to turn a blind eye, as it's well known that winning a municipal tender is no simple matter.

However, there are limits – when a contractor receives enormous budgets and fails to perform their duties, the obvious course of action is immediate contract termination. Yet, it seems there are considerations for continuing the engagement with this specific contractor in Bat Yam, as there is no other logical explanation for the presence of garbage piles throughout the city.


The most troubling question is: Who is this mysterious cleaning contractor supposed to clean the city? Despite public funds flowing into their pockets, it appears the work on the ground simply isn't being done. The city looks as if it hasn't undergone thorough cleaning for many months. Our attempts to get answers hit a wall of silence. The municipality's spokesperson's department, which costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of shekels monthly, chose to ignore our repeated inquiries. This conduct raises serious questions about transparency in managing public funds.

The Garbage Remains, The Money Disappears
While residents plead for a cleaner city, the question arises – where exactly are public funds flowing? A non-functioning spokesperson's department, a vanished cleaning contractor, and a mayor who operates with alarming indifference – all paint a disturbing picture of severe managerial failure. Bat Yam residents, whose voices are clearly heard in our investigation, demand immediate change. They're tired of living in a city that's become a giant garbage bin, tired of paying high property taxes for services they don't receive, and mainly – tired of the systematic ignorance of the city leadership towards their most basic needs.

The inevitable conclusion is that Tzvika Brot has failed in his role as mayor. Under his leadership, Bat Yam has deteriorated to a state where residents must cope with unworthy living conditions, while public funds are wasted on non-functioning departments and contractors who don't provide the required service. Bat Yam of 2025 is a city in crisis. The "Investigation" documentation exposes a harsh reality of a city drowning in garbage, indifferent leadership, and public funds disappearing without explanation. The question remains – how much longer can city residents bear this situation? And will anyone take responsibility for this ongoing failure?

Photo from Tzvika Brot's Facebook page, in accordance with Section 27a

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